Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

Chapter one: The trip of a lifetime

My first impressions regarding the book

I think the book is interesting because today it often happens that the parents get divorced and it is an topical subject.

It is easy to read because if I did not know any words, I could look them up in the little dictionary on the last pages. But if they were not mentioned there, I understand also the context.

2 Kommentare:

Cucarchas hat gesagt…

Heey Horstkind!!

I hope you like your Horstkinds Wuthöhle.
I like it your text is really understandable.


müsli hat gesagt…

hello Horstkind,

you wrote your first impression short, understandable and completly!

Well done >horstchildren xD<
lU, prillii